462nm 1000mW 青色CWレーザ マルチモードファイバ レーザ光源通販 販売
This 462nm multimode fiber-coupled laser uses a 462nm semiconductor laser for fiber coupling to obtain the fiber output.
The coupled fiber output power has good laser power and the spot mode can be improved to a certain extent.
The collimated beam can meet the relatively high requirements for the beam.
波長: 462±5nm
出力: 1000mW
Fiber interface: FC/PC or SMA-905(Default: FC/PC)
Fiber diameter:100um,200um,400um(Default:400um)
Fiber type: Multi-mode Fiber
出力安定性 (rms): <3% over 2 hours
動作温度: 0°C-40°C
保存温度: -40°C-85°C
期待される寿命(時間: >10000